Angelic Guidance Counseling®
Sessions may include:
Reading Angel Cards
Channeling Guidance from Archangels
Discovering how you best relate and communicate with the Angelic Realm
Assisting you to build a relationship with the Angels
Teaching you various ways to connect to the Angel Realm
Clearing and Self-Care Techniques
Setting Boundaries and Protection
Removing blocks to allow a deeper connection
Establishing a practice of working with the Angels
Certified by Stacie Codino, Angel Therapy Practitioner® and Shamanic Practitioner
I thank you very much for your part to play in my healing journey. The zoom session helped me settle quite a bit and added a lot of light and guidance and protection flowing in and around me. It helped me focus my prayers and intentions. I felt, saw, and welcomed my Spirit Guides, Ancestors, Teachers, Enlightened beings , family and friends to help me through this time. It definitely helped me feel less alone. In this COVID time we are said to be alone in the hospital experience however, with your energy raising treatment and my asking for love and light from All it was a truly beautiful experience for me. One that could have been scary on so many levels was calm and beautiful and fully charged with abundant healing. As for the zoom - not my favorite way to receive - as my internet seems to always cut out at times - but the result was obviously unaffected by that.