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Igniting Reiki Within You


Please contact Karen for more information. A minimum class size is required. 

Reiki Training - Usui/Tibetan, Holy Fire®, Karuna, Animal Reiki

Reiki training is offered in a Hybrid format… Both in-person and on Zoom. Scheduling is done collaboratively.

Reiki (pronounced ray-kee) is a form of healing that accesses universal life energy. It is spiritually guided. Reiki has its own wisdom and adjusts itself to provide whatever a person needs. It has its own consciousness and cannot be contaminated or influenced, therefore it can do no harm. Reiki is always safe and pure. 

Energy healing has been practiced across the world for thousands of years. Reiki is a very simple, yet powerful healing technique. Learning Reiki enhances well-being. Practicing Reiki on yourself and others creates a culture of wellness, enhances bonding, and habits of healthy. The study of Reiki also assists in developing your spiritual gifts.

Universal, natural healing energy already exists within you. Reiki assists in connecting you with this healing energy, as well as putting you in contact with the unconditional healing energy and capacity of Reiki. It is a complimentary healing modality, and can benefit everyone, every animal, and every thing on Earth.

Igniting Spirit Reiki Training

My Reiki training classes are based on the ICRT (International Center for Reiki Training) manuals and methods. I include all content that is outlined in the classes taught at the ICRT, as well as the required prerequisites, and the pricing guidelines. All course outlines and pricing can be found on the ICRT website (the links are provided below).

One primary difference in my approach is how the classes are scheduled. As a group, we work together to find a schedule that best meets our needs. In other words, we work collaboratively to create the schedule. And, I don’t teach the classes in full, consecutive days; they are taught over a series of weeks.

The other major difference is how I teach Karuna Reiki. I utilize the original Karuna manual, as well as the Holy Fire® version. Also recommended is the book titled, “The Book on Karuna Reiki,” by Laurelle Shanti Gaia.


Usui Reiki is an original form of Reiki, named after its founder, Mikao Usui. Tibetan Reiki is a more advanced form of Reiki that is said to be more spiritual in nature than Usui Reiki. The combination of Usui/Tibetan Reiki is a powerful and effective, joining both potent healing and deep spirituality. Click here for class descriptions and pricing.

Holy Fire®

Holy Fire® Reiki is a new form of Reiki that was introduced about three years ago by the ICRT. It is both powerful and gentle and provides purification, healing, empowerment and guidance. It is included as part of our Usui Reiki classes and has also been added to Karuna Reiki® training. Click here for class descriptions and pricing.


Karuna Reiki, developed by William Lee Rand, is an advanced form of Reiki that builds upon the principles and techniques of traditional Reiki. "Karuna" is a Sanskrit word meaning "compassion," and is guided by the energies of Kwan Yin. Click here for class descriptions and pricing.

ICRT Animal Reiki

Animals have a natural understanding of Reiki and enjoy receiving it. Reiki provides them with the same benefits and healing we experience as humans, making it an effective method of caring for injuries, emotional issues or virtually any problem an animal might experience. Under certain circumstances, they are capable of receiving attunements and giving Reiki to other animals and to humans. Click here for class descriptions and pricing.


Hello Karen! Class was unbelievably profound on professional and deeply personal levels for me. We had an amazing group for this class. Your name came up quite often among us during our Zoom "break out" meetings where we practiced on each other and then had our discussions. You continue to be such an amazing gift to all of us:) :)

Best blessings, Alysa Zalma, Psychiatrist, Lake Oswego, Oregon