A company born from the desire to be in service...

Igniting Your Relationship to Sacred Geometry

Multi-part Series

2025 Scheduling Coming Soon!

Igniting Your Relationship to Sacred Geometry

I believe that Sacred Geometry is a common language available to all. It can facilitate the evolution of the soul and assist us in accessing the Great Mystery. I have come to understand its power in my healing work and in my life. Living with it daily. It is personally empowering and deeply healing.

Sacred Geometry links our inner and outer worlds and allows us to commune with our Heart and Soul, with ease and clarity. I believe it contains the answers that every human is seeking.

My intention for these classes is to introduce you to Sacred Geometry in a way that opens the door for you personally. Encouraging you to build a personal relationship with the Point, the Line, the Circle—and all shapes and forms born from that beginning.

Descriptions for each class are listed below.

Classes will be offered in a Hybrid format… Both in-person and on Zoom. 

Please contact Karen to reserve a space. A minimum class size is required.

Experience the Platonic Solids ~ 6 Part Series (2 hours) ~

This class begins with an overview of the basics of Sacred Geometry, and an introduction to the Platonic Solids: Hexahedron, Icosahedron, Tetrahedron, Octahedron, and Dodecahedron.  We will explore their relationship to the Elements and our Chakras.

With the help of Archangel Metatron, we will enter through the Gateway, experience the essence, messages, and healing, and become attuned to each of these shapes.

Class fee: $300 ~ $100 non-refundable deposit ~ $270 if paid in full prior to class ~ (Payment plan can be arranged, $36 each class after the deposit.)

Payment Plan

Non-refundable deposit of $100.

Pay In Full

One payment of $270

Exploration into the Merkaba ~ 3 Part Series (2 hours) ~

The Merkaba is an extremely powerful symbol that represents the spirit or energy body surrounded by counter-rotating fields of light. It is the key to understanding how to move from one dimension or level to another.

We will learn to consciously activate the Merkaba around our body, providing us complete protection, and surrounding us in pure Divine Love. When achieved you will be sitting in a place of complete protection, harmony, and Universal balance.

Class fee: $150 ~ $100 non-refundable deposit ~ $135 if paid in full prior to class ~ (Payment plan can be arranged, $18 each class after the deposit.)

Payment Plan

Non-refundable deposit of $100.

Pay In Full

One payment of $135

Shapes & Symbols ~ 6 Part Series (2 hours) ~

We will explore and experience the many shapes found in the universe, such as: the Spiral, Vesica Piscus, Flower of Life, Sphere, and Torus.  

Class fee: $300 ~ $100 non-refundable deposit ~ $270 if paid in full prior to class ~ (Payment plan can be arranged, $36 each class after the deposit.)

Payment Plan

Non-refundable deposit of $100.

Pay In Full

One payment of $270

Sound: The Voice of Sacred Geometry ~ 3 Parts (2 hours) ~

In this Sacred Geometry based class, we will explore: Om/AUM (the Trinity of Divinity), the Solfeggio frequencies (used in the Gregorian Chants), and the sounds commonly associated with Chakras.

Class fee: $150 ~ $100 non-refundable deposit ~ $135 if paid in full prior to class ~ (Payment plan can be arranged, $18 each class after the deposit.)

Payment Plan

Non-refundable deposit of $100.

Pay In Full

One payment of $135

Numbers: The Language of Sacred Geometry ~ 3 Part Series (2 hours) ~

Sacred geometry is the visual language of the universe in which numbers, frequencies, colors, sounds, and forms are encoded in a set of patterns/symbols. It represents the blueprint/code from which all creation is derived from, and it is a window into the unity of the physical world and spirituality.

To better understand the real nature of sacred geometry, it is essential to expand our view of numbers. (No math required! 😊)

Class fee: $150 ~ $100 non-refundable deposit ~ $135 if paid in full prior to class ~ (Payment plan can be arranged, $18 each class after the deposit.)

Payment Plan

Non-refundable deposit of $100.

Pay In Full

One payment of $135


Karen, Karen’s classes are pure magic. She brings a deep love and respect for all things sacred and delivers the teachings in a practical, yet life-changing way. These classes are my spiritual maintenance and I look forward to each meeting.

Blessings, Katie Jagiello, California

Miss Karen - Great class, intense clearing. I felt everyone very connected and going deep. My summary kept repeating as I went really into the higher chakras.

  • Float the golden river

  • Heal the blood and the bones

  • Shame is gone

  • The higher chakras previously felt like the weight of the world on our shoulders but now it is light as air. It’s time to perfect our posture.

  • Shoulders back, chin up, step into the next level of service.

Enjoy the day!!

Love, Amelia Hyatt, Portland, Oregon