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Soul Retrieval


Soul Retrieval

Our souls consist of our most vital essence. The soul reflects our most fundamental nature, unique to each being. Caring for our souls happens on many different levels and is just as important as caring for any other aspect or our selves.

Soul loss is an illness of the spirit. Soul loss occurs any time we experience events in which a part of our essence separates from us in an attempt to avoid sustaining pain or injury.

Soul retrieval is a process of bringing back lost soul parts in an honoring and gentle way. This returned energy is then integrated back into the spirit to restore wholeness and balance.

Symptoms of soul loss may include:

  • Feeling disconnected or directionless

  • Inability to release past emotional trauma

  • Feelings of shame or guilt

  • Feeling unworthiness or powerless

  • Depression

  • Addiction

  • Difficulty in healing

  • Major illnesses

  • Repetitive sicknesses

  • Chronic fatigue

In shamanic cultures, a soul retrieval was performed within three days after any major event in a person's life. Traumatic or other dramatic changes, such as childbirth, marriage, death of a loved one, an accident, a broken relationship, or argument, were addressed immediately by performing a soul retrieval. It was assumed that anyone going through such an event would have a high probability of soul loss, and, in order to instill proper healing, the soul was attended to first.

Unfortunately, in our culture there are years and years of fragmentation and soul loss that can accumulate for an individual, which creates the potential for a soul to become critically fragmented. We can see the results of this by looking at the mental, emotional, and spiritual health of our society. We have a society that is depressed, self-medicating with illegal drugs, alcohol, and over the counter or prescribed medications. Our youth have difficulty finding purpose and meaning in their lives. Relationships and families fall apart with ever-increasing frequency. The culture is not grounded in taking care of the soul.

The care of the soul has many facets to it. Soul retrieval is one component.


Hi Karen, I couldn’t be more grateful for you and the blessings that occurred yesterday! Last night my essence truly returned home to me. That was the permission and confirmation I needed to move forward with my life and in my family unit. I felt so giddy and silly and at peace with myself - I am continuing to ooze love, acceptance, and patience, as I have now gifted that all to myself! I am so grateful for you and your mirror. :-)

Take care and hope to cross paths again soon, Lauren Allen

Hi Karen. I am happy to report that I'm doing well. It was a pretty intense experience, and I needed several days to let the energies calm down. But now I feel way more powerful, centered and calm. It's as if I've become more rooted in my reality. I will be in touch but want to send out a big and heartfelt thank you in the meantime. The soul retrieval process was a very, very positive experience and I am glad I did it.

~ Morten Overgaard, Denmark

Hi Karen, I am doing well! The first 3-5 days after soul retrieval I felt an odd inner sensation I'm not entirely sure how to describe, other than something like I felt self-contained in an unusual way. a friend said I was standing taller, and another that I looked 10 years younger. The rest of the week after our meeting was both restful and festive, with new connections continuing to generate and reverberate forward. I hope you are well. Thank you so much for guiding me through this. 

Blessings, Tim Silva, California